Tax Profile County

Tax Basis Rate Agency
Business License Individual Location $20+ Vicksburg City / Warren County
Transient Occupancy Tax Hotel Rate 10% sales tax rate for hotel rooms Vicksburg City
Utility Tax N/A N/A N/A
Property Tax County Property is assessed at 15% of true value.
This assessed value is then multiplied by
the millage rate to determine the annual tax liability.
118.02 (millage) Warren County
Property Tax City 35.88 (millage) Vicksburg City

Source: Warren County & City of Vicksburg

Tax Profile – State of Mississippi

Tax Basis Rate Agency
Corporate Income Tax Unless a company is taxable in another state, this tax is based on  company net taxable income First $5,000 of taxable income is taxed at 3% in 2016 and 2017. Starting in 2018 corporation and individuals will progressibly exempt $1,000 of taxable income per year until all $5,000 are exempted by 2022. After 2022, There will be no income tax on the first $5,000 of income. Next $5,000 – $10,000 of taxable income will be taxable income will be taxed at 4% Income in excess of $10,000 will be taxed at 5% Mississippi State Tax Commission
Corporate Franchise Tax Assessed on the company’s capital value.
Calculation is based on: capital stock issued and
outstanding; and paid-in- capital, surplus, and
trained earnings, including deferred taxes, deferred
gains, deferred income, contingent liabilities, and other true reserves.
$2.50 per $1,000 of Mississippi capital. Important: the first $100,000 of capital value will be exempt from the tax. The corporate franchise tax will be phased out by decreasing the current tax $2.25 for each $1,000 of capital value by 25 cents each year until 2027. Also beginning in 2018. Mississippi State Tax Commission
Sales and Use Tax All personal property sold within the State are
considered taxable unless specifically exempted
or assigned reduced rate by State law. Some
services are also subject to sale tax.
Retail sales & use is 7% but the law does allow for a reduced rate for manufacturing machinery, equipment and industrial purposes of 1.5% Sales tax on automobiles is 5% with trucks & tractors taxed at 3% Contractors tax assessed on the construction of commercial real property is calculated as 3.5% of the contractors gross receipts. Mississippi State Tax Commission


Source: Mississippi State Tax Commission (updated September 2016)