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Vicksburg Warren Chamber of Commerce Opens Enrollment for “Vicksburg Entrepreneur Bootcamp” Program Fall 2021


Small businesses are the foundation of our City and they provide thousands of jobs for our residents. The City is one hundred percent behind small businesses and this program helps our own residents in starting their businesses and fulfilling their dreams.

Vicksburg Warren Chamber of Commerce Opens Enrollment for “Vicksburg Entrepreneur Bootcamp” Program Fall 2021

The Vicksburg Entrepreneur Bootcamp is a six week program to train entrepreneurs and small business owners on the skills needed to start and grow a successful business

The Vicksburg Warren Chamber of Commerce announced today the opening of enrollment for the Fall 2021 Vicksburg Entrepreneur Bootcamp Program. The program is a six-week program geared towards individuals interested in starting or growing a small business. The program will cover everything from legal, finance, accounting, marketing, and all other essential components associated with starting and running a successful small business.The program’s Fall 2021 sessions are sponsored by the BancorpSouth Foundation through a grant it made to the Vicksburg Warren Economic Development Foundation. At the end of the program, entrepreneurs will be encouraged to finalize their business plans and submit it to a committee for review and ranking. The entrepreneur that develops the […]

Vicksburg Warren Chamber of Commerce Opens Enrollment for “Vicksburg Entrepreneur Bootcamp” Program Fall 20212022-05-16T16:24:19-05:00

Vicksburg Warren Chamber of Commerce Opens Enrollment for “Vicksburg Entrepreneur Bootcamp” Program Spring 2021


We not only want more small businesses, we want small businesses that can thrive and operate for a long period of time in our community.

Vicksburg Warren Chamber of Commerce Opens Enrollment for “Vicksburg Entrepreneur Bootcamp” Program Spring 2021

The Vicksburg Entrepreneur Bootcamp is a six week program to train entrepreneurs and small business owners on the skills needed to start and grow a successful business

The Vicksburg Warren Chamber of Commerce announced today the opening of enrollment for the Spring 2021 Vicksburg Entrepreneur Bootcamp Program. The program is a six-week program geared towards individuals interested in starting or growing a small business. The program will cover everything from legal, finance, accounting, marketing, and all other essential components associated with starting and running a successful small business.The program Spring 2021 sessions are sponsored by the BancorpSouth Foundation through a grant it made to the Vicksburg Warren Economic Development Foundation. At the end of the program, entrepreneurs will be encouraged to finalize their business plans and submit it to a committee for review and ranking. The entrepreneur that develops the best and most feasible business plan will be declared the winner of a “Seed Grant” in the amount […]

Vicksburg Warren Chamber of Commerce Opens Enrollment for “Vicksburg Entrepreneur Bootcamp” Program Spring 20212021-09-10T13:51:13-05:00

The Vicksburg Warren Economic Development Foundation (EDF) Secures Financing to Complete Construction of the Sen. Thad Cochran Mississippi Center for Innovation and Technology (MCITy)


I am pleased to announce that the financing of MCITy has been consummated. MCITy is at the core of a new economic model for our region and for the State, and we are proud that Vicksburg is leading the way in capitalizing on Mississippi’s R&D assets to create high paying jobs for our communities.

The Vicksburg Warren Economic Development Foundation (EDF) Secures Financing to Complete Construction of the Sen. Thad Cochran Mississippi Center for Innovation and Technology (MCITy)

Vicksburg, Mississippi / December 31, 2020. The Vicksburg Warren Economic Development Foundation announced today that the EDF and its partner investors led by Mr. Tim Cantwell of Newbreak Management, have secured all needed financing to complete the MCITy project no later than December of 2021. This partnership, through a combination of conventional financing through BancorpSouth Bank, and the utilization of Historic and New Market Tax Credits, was able to close the financing gap needed to complete the project which was started in 2019 with the support of the Mississippi legislature which allocated a total of $8.9M to the project. The project has a total cost of $18.2M.

Mark T. Buys, Chairman of the Vicksburg Warren County Economic Development Foundation […]

The Vicksburg Warren Economic Development Foundation (EDF) Secures Financing to Complete Construction of the Sen. Thad Cochran Mississippi Center for Innovation and Technology (MCITy)2022-10-06T16:03:53-05:00

Winner of the Fall 2020 Vicksburg Entrepreneur Bootcamp Business Plan Competition


Vicksburg Warren Chamber of Commerce announces the Winner of the 2020 Vicksburg Entrepreneur Bootcamp Business Plan Competition

The Vicksburg Warren Chamber of Commerce recently concluded the 2020 Vicksburg Entrepreneur Bootcamp which taught 15 community entrepreneurs the process of starting and growing a small business. The bootcamp, also featured the opportunity for graduating participants to compete for a $1,000 grant prize to help them start up their new business or grow the existing small business.

In the end, three participants battled to win the Business Plan Competition on the night of December 8th at the Hinds Community College Campus. For several weeks, all participants had been diligently working to finalize their business plans to pitch it to a five-judge panel consisting for representatives from the banking community. The participants discussed their business sector trends, market feasibility, marketing plans, and planned financial growth to the judges, in order to have a chance to win the $1,000 “Seed Grant”.

In the end, and after careful deliberation by the judges, who took into account both their written business plan and their in person presentation, Kendra Reed, who is kickstarting the “Delta Dirt Shirts” was selected the winner of the Business Plan Competition. “Delta Dirt […]

Winner of the Fall 2020 Vicksburg Entrepreneur Bootcamp Business Plan Competition2021-09-30T18:24:40-05:00

Vicksburg Forest Products expanding in Vicksburg, creating 60 jobs


We look forward to working with the local economic community and the state of Mississippi to support further investment in our facility and the surrounding area.

Vicksburg Forest Products expanding in Vicksburg, creating 60 jobs

Southern Yellow Pine manufacturer Vicksburg Forest Products, LLC is expanding its lumber mill operations in Vicksburg. The project is a $40 million corporate investment and will create 60 jobs.

“With nearly 20 million acres of forestland in Mississippi, our state is positioned for continued growth in the agribusiness sector, as evidenced by Vicksburg Forest Products’ significant expansion just over two years after opening its doors,” Gov. Tate Reeves said. “I appreciate the leadership at Vicksburg Forest Products for its commitment to doing business in Warren County and building stronger communities through job creation.”

In 2018, Vicksburg Forest Products, which is headquartered in Jackson, purchased the Vicksburg sawmill. The facility underwent a large-scale transformation and is currently producing approximately 75 million board feet of Southern Yellow Pine lumber on an annual basis. Post expansion, Vicksburg Forest Products will be capable of producing 180 million board feet of lumber per year, consisting of a diverse product mix to better serve customers. The upgraded mill will […]

Vicksburg Forest Products expanding in Vicksburg, creating 60 jobs2021-09-30T19:19:11-05:00

Vicksburg Warren Chamber of Commerce Unveils The “Vicksburg Entrepreneur Bootcamp” Program


The program is aimed at generating more small business openings in the area.

Vicksburg Warren Chamber of Commerce Unveils The “Vicksburg Entrepreneur Bootcamp” Program

The Vicksburg Entrepreneur Bootcamp is a six week program to train entrepreneurs and small business owners on the skills needed to start and grow a successful business

The Vicksburg Warren Chamber of Commerce announced today the launch of a new program to support entrepreneurs in Vicksburg and Warren County. The program, named the Vicksburg Entrepreneur Bootcamp, is a six-week program geared towards individuals interested in starting or growing their small business. The program will cover everything from legal, finance, accounting, marketing, and all other essential components associated with starting and running a successful small business. The program is sponsored by the Vicksburg Chamber of Commerce, the City of Vicksburg, Hinds Community College, and area banks including Bancorpsouth, Mutual Credit Union, Home Bank, River Hills Bank, Regions, Guaranty Bank, and Trustmark. At the end of the program, entrepreneurs will be encouraged to finalize their business plan and submit it to a committee for review and ranking. The entrepreneur that develops the best and most feasible business plan will be declared the recipient […]

Vicksburg Warren Chamber of Commerce Unveils The “Vicksburg Entrepreneur Bootcamp” Program2021-09-10T13:52:26-05:00

COVID-19 Resources


COVID-19 Resources

Go to the latest Communications from the Chamber 

CDC COVID-19 Information Page CDC Guidance for Business & Employers Small Business Administration Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) Do you qualify for an SBA Emergency Loan? Mississippi Department of Health COVID-19 Information Page Environmental Cleaning & Disinfection in the Workplace Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) & Economic Injury Disaster Loans Economic Injury Disaster Loan Fact Sheet Apply Online for EIDL SBA Working Capital Loans Available Due to COVID-19 Families First Coronavirus Response Act

Keeping Commercial Establishments Safe

Encouragine your employees and customers to…


Stop handshaking-use other noncontact method of greeting

Clean hands at the door, and schedule regular hand washing reminders by email

Promote tap and pay to limit handling of cash

Disinfect surfaces like doorknobs, tables, desks, and handrails regularly

Increase ventilation by opening windows or adjusting air conditioning […]

COVID-19 Resources2020-04-07T15:40:13-05:00

Combating the Coronavirus: Resources | Response | Impact


Combating the Coronavirus

Resources | Response | Impact

With the U.S. now reporting a limited number of COVID-19 cases, it’s important that businesses of all sizes and sectors continue to monitor the situation and are as prepared as possible to protect the health of their workers.

Resources & Guidelines for Business

The U.S. Chamber is working closely with the White House, U.S. government agencies, and foreign government officials to inform and equip businesses with the most important and up-to-date information to ensure we are all adequately prepared to protect Americans at home and abroad.

All employers should be ready to implement strategies to protect their workforce from the Coronavirus while ensuring continuity of operations. Download these guides created by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, which are based on information provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), to learn more about how employers and employees can prepare for and address the impacts of the Coronavirus.

Resources from […]

Combating the Coronavirus: Resources | Response | Impact2020-03-25T14:54:53-05:00

The Vicksburg Warren Economic Development Partnership receives $241,450 to continue improvements at CERES Industrial Park


The site development work proposed by the Warren County Port Commission demonstrates the Port’s commitment to developing qualified available sites that meet the needs of prospective businesses in the current business environment. With these grants, we are pleased to continue to support the important work Vicksburg is doing to further prepare these sites for industrial development, enhancing the competitiveness of the sites, the community, and the State of Mississippi.

The Vicksburg Warren Economic
Development Partnership receives $241,450 to continue improvements at CERES Industrial Park

Vicksburg, Miss. (January 24, 2020) – The Warren County Port Commission, a partner in the Vicksburg Warren Economic Development Partnership, has been approved to receive a Grant from the Mississippi Development Authority for $241,450 to start construction of a road to allow access to Ceres’ largest available site and to support in the rehabilitation of water infrastructure assets.

The funds are provided by the Mississippi Development Authority as part of the Premier Site Development and the Ready Site programs, which the State entity provides to support communities in their efforts to attract more jobs and investments to Mississippi. The grants are announced every year by the Mississippi Development Authority after a careful application […]

The Vicksburg Warren Economic Development Partnership receives $241,450 to continue improvements at CERES Industrial Park2020-01-24T16:32:17-06:00

Entergy Mississippi Certifies Three Sites at Ceres as Project Ready


As decision timelines for companies grow shorter, Vicksburg Warren County understands having sites ready for development is a necessity to remain competitive. Entergy is proud to add three sites in CERES to the growing list of certified sites in our service territory. I commend the Economic Development Partnership for making the significant investments to meet the requirements of our program.

Entergy Mississippi Certifies Three Sites at Ceres as Project Ready

Vicksburg, Mississippi (January 9) – The Vicksburg Warren Economic Development Partnership announced today that Entergy Mississippi has authorized certification of three sites at the CERES Industrial Park as Economic Development Project Ready Sites. The certification is the culmination of months of work done by the Vicksburg Warren Economic Development Partnership in coordination with Entergy Mississippi. The work included a comprehensive review, due dilligence, and documentation generation for the three sites, in order to make them ready for prospective manufacturing or industrial projects.

Site location consultants and prospective companies require immediate response times and communities must be able to respond effectively and efficiently on very short notice. Entergy Mississippi works with communities to help them identify the due diligence and analysis needed to make sure their sites are […]

Entergy Mississippi Certifies Three Sites at Ceres as Project Ready2020-01-09T16:23:47-06:00
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